How to Keep Your Kids Happy and Healthy During the Holidays
The holiday season is quickly approaching, and you may be thinking . . .Sweets are EVERYWHERE!! I mean, seriously? We walk through giant gingerbread houses at the mall, the scent of peppermint mocha's on every corner, our children are even supposed to have 'visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads.' Besides, Christmas is about all things confections, sweet and delectable, right? How can I possibly implement healthy eating and not be Scrooge this holiday season?
Cyndi Benson
Tips for Keeping Your Holidays Healthy
Are You Ready for the Holidays? As the leaves are turning and some of our northern friends are experiencing the winter's first blankets of freshly fallen snow, we at the Grace and Strength Lifestyle understand that the most challenging season of the year is upon us. For those of us who prefer to eat the Christmas ham as opposed to becoming the Christmas ham, this season can be a never ending obstacle course of trying to avoid all of the ridiculously delicious food that is so subtly trying to...
Cyndi Benson
What To Do When You're Trapped at a Fast Food Restaurant During the Holidays
Let's try to keep it real here for a while. We all know that the holidays are upon us. With all of the awesomeness that comes with that, there are also some super big challenges that those of us trying to be health conscious are presented with. At the Grace and Strength Lifestyle, we've decided to address 8 of the biggest challenges in hopes that you'll be better equipped and ready when Aunt Mel's world-famous sweet potatoes are sitting two inches from your fork.
Cyndi Benson
Interview with Stephanie Jensen - Weight Loss Coach
Video Interview with Stephanie Jensen - Weight Loss Coach with the Grace & Strength Lifestyle. In today's post, we're sharing another inspiring video interview with Grace and Strength Lifestyle Coach Stephanie Jensen. You'll be inspired and encouraged as Stephanie shares her story and her heart for helping the women she coaches.
Cyndi Benson
Guest Post by Life and Ministry Coach Dianna Salciccioli
This is a guest post by Dianna Salcicciolli. Dianna is a Life and Ministry Coach with Coachwell. You can find Dianna on the Coachwell site and her Blog. *Mention the Grace & Strength Lifestyle and receive a free consultation.
Cyndi Benson
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