Weight Loss Success Story - Amanda Griswold - Grace and Strength Diet

I am very happy that I choose Grace and Strength Lifestyle as my weight loss plan. I have always exercised but this was my first diet. Over the last 10 years I had slowly gained an extra 49 lbs. and this year began avoiding pictures and I hardly recognized my face in the mirror. My back began to hurt in the mornings and when I bent over and I assumed it was because I was now in my 30's, and that's what happens when you turn 30!


Diet Success Story - Before And After Pictures - Sara Drake

Weight has been an issue in my life for about the last 10 years. In 2004 my daughter was born and I just thought to myself... This "baby" weight will go away eventually… well, that eventually turned in to never and then after my son was born in 2008 I worked hard to lose weight… I lost 40lbs and then gained those 40 lbs back and then some.


She Lost Over 100 Pounds! Lisa's Story

Wow...ok, where do I start! When I first entered this program I was not the heaviest I had been, but the heaviest in the way I felt about my weight and my future health. My husband and I were thinking about having one more child and after a visit to the doctor I was told that due to my consistent high blood pressure and obesity, a big change would have to be made in order to facilitate such an occasion. My weight had been an overshadowing issue since childhood.


Cinnamon Oranges

This isn't so much a recipe as just a really great snack idea! I don't know why, but it always seemed to take away the dessert cravings I would sometimes get. I still have this snack numerous times a week! Just slice an organic orange and sprinkle a little cinnamon (as much as you'd like). You can even heat this up just a tad, too! Read more...


Cyndi Benson

Creamy Asparagus Soup

It doesn't sound very appealing (especially if you aren't a fan of cottage cheese) but it was SO good--I wanted to lick the bowl!!  You could substitute a different veggie for the asparagus. This recipe is phase 2 approved!


Cyndi Benson

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