The Stanley Cup

Do you qualify for "The Stanley Cup"? As the 2011-12 NHL Hockey season comes to an end, only two teams are playing for "The Stanley Cup"! Are you reaching the Champion Level in your life? Some people take what they can get and are satisfied, while some strive for the highest level of accomplishment.


Cyndi Benson

Thelma received the desires of her heart

My name is Thelma Hickman and I began the Grace and Strength Lifestyle in December 2011, a short time after seeing an old college friends' transformation because of G&S.  She came to my surprise 40th birthday party and I was amazed at her glow.  At first I did not want to jump on another diet bandwagon.  I kept telling myself that just because it worked for her, didn't mean I could do it.  The Lord tugged at my heart and my husband and I decided it was time to make a change.


A Grace and Strength Legacy

A large Wooly Mammoth grazed its way across the Ohio Valley from Cincinnati, across Kentucky and into Missouri. It was a slow unhurried journey filled with few dangers as very few predators could take down this mighty beast. Maybe it was old age that finally took its life 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, or maybe it was something it ATE. Regardless, in 1979 these bones were discovered and are now on display for the world to see at the Big Cedar Lodge in Branson, MO.


Cyndi Benson

Out of the ruins: How men can find themselves through The Grace and Strength Lifestyle

There is an abandoned mining town some 30 minutes outside of Vail, CO. It has one road that dead ends in its center. The houses, all cracker box cut, empty, windowless, soulless in appearance, line the side of the mountain. I'm not sure what happened, the mine shut down, cholera epidemic, there isn't much a non local can learn. Suffice it to say, it would be the perfect setting for a horror movie.


Cyndi Benson

The Hole in your heart

I am slowly dying. The doctors don't know whats wrong. They say I only have about 30 or 40 more years left in me. 50 if I slow down and take it easy. Wouldn't that be awesome to have a doctor tell you that? A lot of us SAY we want to live forever, but nobody really understands what that would mean physically, emotionally, spiritually, or economically. We have become enslaved to instant gratification. We pace impatiently at the microwave waiting for our popcorn.


Cyndi Benson

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Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

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