Strawberry Spinach Salad

Strawberry Spinach Salad. A classic! Isn't this salad beautiful? One of my Phase 2 ladies posted this on Facebook and I immediately asked if I could share the recipe! Let us know when you try it and what you think! Thanks, Anna!!


Cyndi Benson

Cucumber Salad

I love a good, fresh cucumber! I also love cucumber salad, and this recipe is a perfect fit for Phase 2!


Cyndi Benson

Banana Oatmeal Cookies

Banana Oatmeal Cookies: I have seen this recipe all over Pinterest lately and decided to give it a whirl. I was quite surprised at how good they were, and my kids gobbled them up in no time! I love finding healthy snacks that I don't feel bad feeding to them! This is a Phase 4 and beyond recipe.


Cyndi Benson

Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs: Just in time for Easter! I don't know about you, but I love deviled eggs! This year mine are going to be just a bit healthier! Follow this recipe and see if anyone notices a difference--I'm betting they won't!


Cyndi Benson

Healthy Peanut Butter Dip

This is a great Phase 3 and clean eating treat! Peanut Butter Dip. The calorie breakdown for the dip, using plain yogurt, is 207 calories!


Cyndi Benson

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