Roasted Tomato and Lemon Basil Quinoa

Gather the Ingredients: quinoa, chicken broth, tomatoes, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, dried thyme, lemon juice, chopped fresh basil


Cyndi Benson

Ten Healthier Alternatives To Holiday Favorites

As we continue in our series 8 Easy Tips For Keeping Your Holidays Healthy, we understand that nearly everyone reading these posts are going to sit down somewhere for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. We also know that there are a few dishes that traditionally 'need' to be prepared and feasted on during those meals. With that in mind, we've decided to give you some more options by coming up with our own list of 'Ten Healthier Alternatives To Holiday Favorites'.


Cyndi Benson

Pumpkin Spice Latte

My favorite season is definitely fall. I love the colors, the temperatures, the apples and pumpkins, and the lattes! If you're a fan of pumpkin spice lattes, here is a great clean eating variation to try at home! It's delicious!!


Cyndi Benson

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Pre-Grace and Strength I ate a LOT of bread. Then I went 6 months without one bite, and when I did eat some I realized just how awful it made me feel! I still have a piece of pizza on occasion, but recently I tried this cauliflower pizza crust and it is delicious! It really is a great clean-eating option for pizza crust! My kids even liked it!


Cyndi Benson

Strawberry Cheesecake Shake

This shake looks like a delicious treat for those of you on Phase 2 (or anyone else looking for a healthy, clean eating dessert). Thanks to Renee for sending it in! This is what she had to say about the recipe: "It does taste a lot like strawberry cheesecake, and I HATE cottage cheese but love this shake." So even if you aren't a fan of cottage cheese, go ahead and give it a try!


Cyndi Benson

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