- Cyndi Benson
- Inspirational
What is Clean Eating and what is a Biblical Approach? CLEAN EATING can be interpreted in many different ways depending on the person and their understanding, knowledge, and previous eating habits. What might mean strict adherence to nothing but fresh organic vegetable juicing for one person might be only eating fast food once a week instead of every day to another person.
Here at The Grace and Strength Lifestyle we like to define 'clean eating' as eating foods that are in their natural form with no added man-made anything to them. Which includes the soil they are grown in, the foods fed to the animals, and the water the fish are living in, etc.
What is a Biblical Approach?
As believers, we believe our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Because of this, we respect our bodies and recognize a need to take care of our bodies spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Knowing we only get one of them and that they are the 'vessel' that will be used to fulfill our purpose here on earth we want to be the best stewards we can be in taking care of them.
- In Genesis 1:29 it says "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." (This sounds to me like a whole lot of fruits and vegetables)
- After Noah set sail and the flood was over God gave us meat to eat but was very specific in his instructions as to what kind of meat. In Genesis 9:3,4 and Leviticus 11:3-9 he goes into detail between 'clean' and 'unclean' meat we should eat. (He tells us not to eat from the scavenger type animals)
I don't know about you but I don't see it written, "I give you every oreo cookie or twinkie or hamburger and I give you every processed food made of artificial man made ingredients to eat." ...and I wonder why it doesn't say "I give you every food so laden with preservatives that we can't even pronounce the words on the label."
AND SPEAKING OF LABELS? Who needs a label on an apple, a carrot, or a tomato? You see if we eat the types of foods God created for our bodies to operate on, we wouldn't need labels.
God created the foods HE planned for us to eat. He knew what it would take to operate our bodies for the days he had set before us.
God created the foods HE planned for us to eat. He knew what it would take to operate our bodies for the days he had set before us. He knew the demands we had before us each day, he did not come up with "5 hour energy drinks" man did!!!!
His foods have more than enough 'energy' in them then we could ever imagine. He created foods that would produce EVERYTHING we need to get the job done!!! The further away we get from HIS natural form the further away we get from health. He did not create us to eat like we were human garbage cans!!! He did not create food to have a shelf life of months or even years!!!
Have you noticed lately that there are these so called SUPER-FOODS? What are these 'clean eating SUPER-FOODS'? Here are just a few of them....
- pomegranates
- kale
- berries
- broccoli
- wild salmon
- spinach
- walnuts
Isn't it FUNNY that ALL of these foods are God created, NOT man created? I believe this answers our question, Is Clean Eating a Biblical Approach to Nutrition? The answer is YES (at least by our definition of clean eating)!!!! The 'cleaner' (or the more our foods are to their natural state) the more similar this is to how they were originally created for us to consume. Foods that create life not death!!!
I encourage you to take the time to watch this 2 minute video (Forks Over Knives) on the condition of our foods today.
Question: How do you think your body, life, and purpose here on earth are affected by your eating choices?
* Individual results may vary.
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