- The Grace and Strength Lifestyle
- Success Stories

Tami's Story
At the start of the Journey program my main intentions were to lose weight and hopefully get my pre-pregnancy body back. After having twins I was never able to lose that extra weight and then after having a third, I didn't know what I was going to do. I would try to watch what I ate, exercise here and there, but nothing was successful and I never stuck with it very long. Then I kept seeing a friend of mine, a G & S coach, Jillynn keep posting things about G & S on Facebook. I kept going to the website and looking everything over. I thought this is it and I really felt God pulling me to give it a try. I talked with my husband about it, explaining the strong Godly focus this program had and he was behind me 100%. So I made the call and jumped right in.
Over the past few months God has opened my eyes in the way I view food and exercise. However, throughout the majority of the program I can honestly say in my mind this was about losing weight and getting the imagine I had in my head. I was doing what my coaches Bekah and Cyndi were telling us do, but I was under satan's attack. It was not until a few weeks ago when God revealed a change in me. I had lost all of my baby weight plus some and was still trying to wear pants I wore before I started the program because I didn't want to buy some if I kept losing weight and had to go buy new again. I finally gave in. It is embarrassing to think that I was still wearing those after putting on pants that actually fit me. I went from a size 12 to 3/4. It was on my way home from shopping when I gave God all the glory. I spent so much time in prayer and reflected back on my journey. I could not have done this without God. I can say I truly get it. It truly isn't about being skinny but rather becoming whole, being whole with who you are, with how beautiful God made you, and being whole with Christ. Only through a relationship with him and spending time with him can one find this wholeness. When it is found everything falls into place. God can make it happen. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," Phil 4:13.
When I first started this Journey, along with losing weight, I wanted to become healthy for my kids, to have more energy to play with them, and honestly to feel comfortable in my own skin. I have reached that and so much more. God is revealing to me that through him all things are possible. When striving and placing God first in all areas and aspects of my life all other things fall into place. This Journey was not an easy process. It was challenging to say "no" to the candy bar or baked potato with butter and sour cream but in the end it is totally worth it. But is this truly the end? No it is not. This is only the beginning to bigger and better opportunities. I will still have struggles. I will have good days and bad days, who doesn't, but my outlook on food is completely different now than it was 6 months ago. My family and co-workers have not only seen a physical transformation but changes in my eating habits. I love how I feel, I love how I look, and will not go back to the "old" me. This transformation was all possible with God and I give him all the glory and honor. He has made us all beautiful in his image. We need to honor that. Our bodies are the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:17). We need to honor our temples for he lives in us.
"I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free" Ps 119:32. God has truly set my heart free in this area. This will be a continuing Journey but I am so thankful for Grace and Strength coaches, Bekah and Cyndi, for their help in teaching me the right way to go. Blessings!
* Individual results may vary.
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