Healthy Peanut Butter Dip

This is a great Phase 3 and clean eating treat! Peanut Butter Dip. The calorie breakdown for the dip, using plain yogurt, is 207 calories!


Cyndi Benson

Weight Loss with a Christian Diet!

Can you really lose weight and get healthy with a Christian Diet program? Will it really work for ME? I have such a busy schedule, i am just not sure I have the time! What makes your program different than other diets? Is Grace & Strength just another "fad" diet? These are the questions I hear most often when people call to inquire about our program! Let me tell you, YES! You can lose the weight through our Christian Diet Program: The Grace & Strength Program.


Cyndi Benson

Excuse me while I sip my tea

While on my journey with Grace and Strength Lifestyle, I began to experiment into the wide world of flavored teas. Since no sugar added tea was allowed on protocol, I thought, "Let's check into this"! I always knew that there were many tea flavors out there and having a mother-in-law from England who is a daily tea drinker exposed me to the traditional afternoon tea sipping social affairs, but I never really took it into account the health benefits of sipping tea.


Don't give up! - Karen's journey

After having a couple really tough days this past week, and having to remind myself who I am and who I was created to be, Don't give up! was a phrase I repeated many times. After reading this facebook post from one of our AMAZING Grace and Strength Lifestyle ladies, I totally had to snag it and share. No matter what you are going through, what you are trying to accomplish, what you are enduring, or how 'it' may feel, I encourage you to grasp these words, Don't give up!


Cyndi Benson

Super Mom Loses over 100lbs!!!

I had the pleasure of coaching a wonderful woman, dear friend and super mom, Lora! When Lora and I first met, we had many things in common. She was my daughters Occupational Therapist at the hospital. Since my daughter was a very frequent visitor at the was like we were instant friends. Our daughters had very similar issues but with very different diagnosis'.


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

If you are hesitating over a choice of a suitable program, check out how it works.

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